target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC MaturityScape - Doc  Document number: # US52017324

IDC MaturityScape: Digital Supply Chain Resiliency 2.0

By:  Eric Thompson Loading


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This IDC study describes the IDC MaturityScape for digital supply chain resiliency. It provides a framework for executive leadership and IT and supply chain managers to identify the stages, critical measures, outcomes, and actions required for organizations to evaluate and evolve their digital supply chain strategy. Organizations will use the study to identify where they stand in terms of supply chain resiliency and create a path toward achieving a leading-class supply chain. In addition, organizations will use the IDC MaturityScape as a tool to promote cross-functional and interorganizational collaboration to drive performance improvement and bring the end-to-end value chain into alignment.

"If the global pandemic opened a new door to investing in supply chain resiliency, the following years have forced that door wide open. It's become critical to have proactive risk identification, rapid disruption response, and scenario modelling capabilities wrapped with supply chain orchestration to provide enterprisewide resiliency. Companies that understand the strategic value of the supply chain are regularly assessing themselves against a maturity framework to help in defining how they can progress." — Eric Thompson, research director, Global Supply Chain Planning, IDC


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